Here are some of the success stories we have achieved:
Delivered a multidisciplinary training course in hospitals in 3 different locations, in cerebral palsy and supplied the 100 attendees with a 47 page manual. Clinical workers were given training in methods of easing the effects of cerebral palsy using various equipment and tools provided. Technicians were given training so that this equipment and these tools may be constructed locally.
Worked alongside local healthcare workers to evaluate and recommend treatment and intervention for nearly 40 children and assisted with the diagnosis and treatment of children in all 3 centres who had been presenting diagnostic and therapeutic challenges.
Performed surgery on 18 injured in a road accident.
Identified individuals who may benefit from further training in the UK.
Encouraged research to be performed by 3rd year students at Kachere Rehabilitation Training Centre and offered to support and facilitate this for a number of students.
The more funds we can raise, the more we can help...

Martin presented with severe neglected club foot which meant he could not walk. Steve operated on one foot so now he is able to walk with the aid of crutches. Steve is hoping to operate on his other foot in the near future.